Sunday, November 6, 2016

K 10 "Yin's Valley" Yingu He Sea: Water

When the knee is flexed, the point is level with U.B. 40, between the tendons of m.
semimembranosis and semitendinosus
IMAGE: This is the water (Yin) point of the Kidney channel, in the valley created by the two
FUNCTIONS: Builds Kidney Yin & Jing, Benefits the Lower Jiao, Clears Bladder Heat, Clears
Lower Jiao Heat & Dampness, Promotes Urination, Regulates Qi, Sedates Rebellious Qi,
Strengthens the Knees
arthritis of knee
diseases of urogenital system
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8 - 1.0 cun
OTHER: Water point on Water meridian: important for water disturbances/ diseases,
especially in the lower abdomen. For both menstrual and male sexual aspects.
CAM: impotence, hernia, uterine bleeding
used to cool heat & nourish the Kidneys for frequent painful urination and menses
Male sexual disorders-- impotence, hernia
Dr. Feng: good results using this point for sore throat
J.C. Darrus:
all male genital disorders
vomiting and diarrhea, distended abdomen, gout