Saturday, November 5, 2016

K 2 "Burning Valley" Rangu

Ying Spring: Fire
LOCATION: Anterior & inferior to the medial malleolus, in the depression on the lower tuberosity
of the navicular bone
IMAGE: This is the "Fire" point located in the depression or "Valley" below the navicular bone.
FUNCTIONS: Cools and regulates Kidney Yang
Clears Heat and Fire from the throat
Boosts Kidney Jing, Cools the Blood, Clears Bladder Heat, Clears Deficiency Heat, Reduces Damp
Heat , Regulates Bladder, Regulates Chong & Ren, Regulates Kidney Qi, Regulates Lower Jiao,
Tonifies Kidney Yang
congested throat
cystitis (not main)
diabetes (thirst)
diarrhea with intestinal pain & noises
irregular menstruation
itching in genital region
prolapsed uterus
sterility (of women)
tetanus (cramping)
thirst & emaciation
tidal fevers
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun
Dr. So: for fright & fear of capture
Mainly for Heat/Fire: especially in the throat.
Japanese technique: for tonsillitis using moxa.
More for excess sore throat than K 6
More for yin deficient fire-- deficient, burning heat
Also for cramping (not as much as Kid 1)
Can also be used to regulate too little Kidney fire (as in irregular menses) and increase Kidney
Acne-- especially at puberty
Hot flashes
painful joints
Burning feet: diabetic foot & leg problems
Excessive foot perspiration
Other genital problems: pain, trauma
Excessive saliva
Acute back sprain
J.C. Darrus:
bladder pathology, urinary incontinence, urethritis
irregular menses, uterine deviation or prolapse, vulvar pruritis and swelling, vaginismus,
scrotal inflammation, impotence
dyspnea, hemoptysis
severe heart pain, arterial hypertension with high diastolic
recurring furunculosis, post trauma hematoma or internal contusions
nocturnal sweating, abundant sweating even when cold