Saturday, November 5, 2016

K 6 "Shining Sea" Zhaohai Confluent Point of Yin Qiao channel

LOCATION: 1 cun below the medial malleolus
IMAGE: The Kidney's energy is said to shine all over the body and is as deep & wide as the sea.
Also, the "fire" burning and shining brightly from K2 ("burning valley") is reflected on K6
("shining sea").
FUNCTIONS: Cools Heat, Calms the Spirit, Benefits the throat
Aids Development of Baby, Benefits the Eyes, Cleans Deficient Heat & Fire, Clears and Opens the
Channels, Cools Blood, Harmonizes Menstruation, Harmonizes Ying, Nourishes Heart, Promotes
Labor, Regulates Lower Jiao, Sedates Pain, Tonifies Kidney Yin & Moistens Dryness, Transforms
Damp Heat,
irregular menstruation
prolapsed uterus
throat blockage
dry throat
eye pain
vaginal discharge
itching in genital region
difficult labor
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun
PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Spirit calming point for insomnia. Also for premenstrual
POINT COMBINATIONS: With Lu7 for chronic sore throat.
With Sp 6 for Yin deficient neurasthenia.
ANCIENT USES: Central point on the 8 extra meridians-- only point that repeats itself in the 9
stars configuration, meaning this point is "open" more often than any other point on the body.
OTHER: Paired Confluent point: Lu 7 of Conception vessel
Major point on the body: Builds yin
Major throat point on Kidney meridian: especially for dry throat, loss of voice. Moistens the
throat. (K 2 more for tonsillitis/excess) More for chronic sore throat, esp. with Lu 7.
Opens & closes the eyes: insomnia, hypersomnia. Menstrual headache-- esp. for severe HA.
Epilepsy-- seizures in the evening
low voice
Yin deficient cough
J.C. Darrus:
related disorders of the pelvic region and throat, uterine deviation or prolapse
phlegm obstruction in the throat, amygdalitis