Sunday, November 6, 2016

P 6 "Inner Gate" Neiguan

Luo point
Confluent point of Yin Wei meridian
LOCATION: 2 cun above the transverse wrist crease, between the tendons of m. palmaris longus
and m. flexor carpi radialis.
IMAGE: This is the "inner" (anterior) arm gate to the San Jiao channel & the Yin Wei channel
(See SJ 5)
FUNCTIONS: Calms the Heart & Spirit, Regulates the qi, Suppresses pain
Benefits Diaphragm and Reduces Diaphragm Blockages, Calms Fetus, Clears Dysphoria, Clears
Heart Phlegm & Fire, Clears Heat, Clears the San Jiao channel, Expels Wind, Harmonizes the
Middle Jiao, Induces Lactation, Invigorates Blood, Opens the Chest and tonifies the Heart,
Regulates Heart, Liver, and Stomach Qi, Suppresses Rebellious Qi (nausea and vomiting),
Transforms Damp Summer Heat & Phlegm, Transforms Gall Stones
abdominal pain
angina pectoris
chest pain
diseases of the chest
disharmony between the Spleen & Stomach
hyperthyroidism (P-5 used more)
migraine headache
pain associated with surgery
prolapsed rectum
rheumatic heart disease
spasm of the diaphragm
swollen & painful throat
tidal fever
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun
PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Insomnia, irritability
POINT COMBINATIONS: With Sp 4 for stomach pain, ulcers.
OTHER: Paired confluent point: Sp 4 of Chong (Penetrating) meridian. Sp 4 opens
the Chong Mo with P 6 assisting.
Main point on the channel-- major point on the body.
Main nausea point - - calms stomach. Morning sickness, motion sickness
Opens the chest: important for asthma. Also a lot for heart pains
Hand disability -- get electric sensation through all fingers when needled (fun with your nervous
Gynecological-- dysmenorrhea, nausea