Sunday, November 6, 2016

Pericardium Quiz

Pericardium Quiz
1. P 3 A. Calms the Spirit, eliminates phlegm, stomach-ache, morning sickness
2. P 4 B. Calms the spirit, expands the chest, myocarditis, insomnia, palpitations
3. P 5 C. Regulates the intestines, acute gastroenteritis, heat exhaustion, rheumatic heart
disease, vomiting
4. P 6 D. Drains heat, angina, stomatitis, heat exhaustion, coma from stroke
5. P 7 E. Shock, high fever, coma, wakes up patient, hypertension
6. P 8 F. Calms the spirit, expands the diaphragm, angina, chest pain, palpitations,
7. P 9 G. Calms the spirit, nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, rheumatic heart disease,
shock, asthma.
8. Master point of Yin Wei channel, used with Sp 4: _________________
9. Tonification point?
10. Sedation point?
11. Window of Sky point-- also important for angina and breast problems.
12. Source point?
13. Main point for mouth problems A. P 4
14. Main point for phlegm B. P 8
15. Main point for angina, palpitations, chest pain C. P 5
1. C
2. F
3. A
4. G
5. B
6. D
7. E
8. P 6
9. P 9
10. P 7
11. P 1
12. P 7
13. B
14. C
15. A