Sunday, November 6, 2016

SJ 1 "Gate's Pouring" Guanchong

Jing Well: Metal
LOCATION: On the lateral side of the ring finger, about 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
IMAGE: The channel Qi pushes against and through this point, where it rises near the surface
FUNCTIONS: Disperses Fire, Eliminates Toxins, Clears Heat and Wind, Moves Channel Qi,
Opens Orifices, Removes Pernicious Qi, Revives from Unconsciousness, Transforms San Jiao heat
NEEDLING: Superficially 0.1 cun or prick with a three-edged needle to cause bleeding
OTHER: Dr. Voll: for adrenals, gonads, hypoglycemia, hypoadrenals, prostatitis
Dr. Shwery: favorite point for fatigue, anxiety, irritable, nervous. Corrects postural hypertension.
Blood sugar problems, adrenal exhaustion. For headaches after missing a meal.
red eyes
sore throat