Friday, November 4, 2016

U.B. 40 "Commission the Middle" Weizhong Lower He Sea of the Bladder

LOCATION: Midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa, between the tendons of m.
biceps femoris and m. semitendinosus.
IMAGE: Also translated as "Entrusting Middle"; the point is "entrusted" with the function of
regulating the "middle" Qi.
FUNCTIONS: Clears Summer Heat
Benefits the low back & knees
Benefits Hips
Calms the Fetus
Clears Blood
Clears Dampness and Damp Heat in Bladder & Intestines
Clears & Dispels Heat
Detoxifies the System
Dispels Wind Dampness
Invigorates Blood
Invigorates Collaterals
Opens the Orifices
Regulates Stomach
Relaxes Muscles & Tendons
Sedates Pain
Tonifies Spleen
acute gastroenteritis (esp. heat)
arthritis of the knee
coma due to stroke
heat exhaustion
low back pain
paralysis of lower limb
spasm of gastrocnemius muscle
stiffness & pain of the lumbar spine
tidal fevers
twisting pain in the chest & abdomen
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun. Or prick with a three-edged needle to cause bleeding.
PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: For someone whose life is overflowing like a river (out of
control). Brings earth to create a dam to channel the "water".
OTHER: The Main Point for acute low back sprain
Also for chronic low back pain-- very good for sciatica
Good for heat in Stomach: bleeding ulcers, pain, inflammation and swelling in the intestines,
urinary incontinence
Very good for leg cramps
Good for getting heat & toxin out of the Blood-- sores and wounds, carbuncles and other skin
bleeding hemorrhoids/ bloody diarrhea/nosebleeds
Traditionally not recommended to moxa.