Friday, November 4, 2016

U.B. 43 "Vital's Hollow" Gaohuangshu

LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to T-4, on the spinal border of the scapula
IMAGE: Also translated as "Fatty Vital Hollow;" a reference to the layer of fat in the upper
thoracic cavity (the omentum) to which this point is energetically linked. In TCM pathology, when a
disease entered this level it was said to be very serious. This point was said to treat diseases at this
very deep level, especially when moxa'd. The ancient Taoists revered this point very highly and used
it in their quest for immortality. Also sometimes called "Cure of 100 Diseases," with many legends
associated with this name.
FUNCTIONS: Harmonizes the Lung Qi
Tonifies Deficient conditions
Benefits the Jing,, Calms Dyspnea, Increases Function of Qi, Opens the Chest, Regulates Stomach,
Sedates Cough, Sedates Heart & Spirit, Sedates Rebellious Stomach Qi, Strengthens the Heart,
Supports Original Qi, Tonifies Heart Yin, Tonifies Kidney, Tonifies Lung Yin and Moistens
Dryness, Tonifies Qi and Blood, Tonifies Spleen, Tonifies the Mind, Transforms Phlegm
consumptive deficient diseases
coughing blood
deficient Spleen & Stomach
general weakness caused by prolonged illness
nocturnal emissions
pain along the spine
pulmonary tuberculosis
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun
PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Allows one to choose vulnerability as a strength instead of being
vulnerable to the world.
OTHER: "Cure of 100 Diseases" point
For late stage chronic deficiency disorders
insomnia, palpitations
Traditionally not recommended to moxa. CAM text says OK.
J.C. Darrus:
cachexia, weakness and wasting away
mental diseases, memory loss