Friday, November 4, 2016

U.B. 53 "Placenta & Vitals" Baohuang

LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to 2nd sacral foramen
IMAGE: "Bao" is a reference to the uterus or urinary bladder, and "Huang" is a reference to the
vital organs. "Baohuang" is used to treat urinary disorders.
FUNCTIONS: Opens the Waterways and Moves Fluids, Opens the Bowels, Tonifies Spleen Qi,
Regulate Qi in Fu organs, Regulates and Opens the Lower Jiao, Strengthens and Benefits the
Lumbar Spine
intestinal noises & abdominal pain
low back pain
retention of urine
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8 - 1.2 cun