Saturday, November 5, 2016

U.B. 67 "End of Yin" Zhiyin

Jing Well: Metal
LOCATION: On the lateral side of the small toe, 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
IMAGE: Also translated as "Reaching Yin," which refers to the U.B. channel Qi reaching towards
the Kidney (yin) channel. This may also refer to the yin energy of the uterus. The yang energy of
the U.B. channel is diminishing as it approaches its most distal point and is about to turn into yin.
FUNCTIONS: Clears the brain (above)
Regulates pregnancy & childbirth (below)
Brightens Eyes and Improves the Vision, Calms Fetus, Clears Heat and Damp Heat, Dispels
Interior Wind, Exterior Wind, and Wind at the Vertex, Moves Qi & Blood, Opens the Nose,
Regulates Qi & Blood, Suppresses Pain
clear nasal discharge
difficult labor
difficult labor
failure to discharge placenta
infantile convulsions
itching over the entire body
malposition of fetus
membrane & pain of the eye
occipital headache
NEEDLING: Superficially 0.1 cun
ANCIENT USES: Nei Jing: "For pain anywhere in the body."
OTHER: Well known point for turning fetuses
Tonification point on the U.B. channel
General pains, esp. headache
Sometimes for urinary troubles
Mann: early stage prostatic hypertrophy
eyes feel hot
feet feel hot
food allergies
J. C. Darrus: neuro-vegetative dystonia(?!)
all types of sores and wounds