Thursday, November 3, 2016

U.B. 7 "Reaching Heaven" Tongtian

1.5 cun posterior to U.B. 6
IMAGE: A reference to the point's proximity to Du 20 (on the highest point of the head, or
"heaven"). Tongtian is also said to be the name of an ancient Chinese hat. Also translated as
"Connect Atmosphere" because U.B. 7 is used for problems of the nose, and it is said to help
connect the lungs to the atmosphere via the nose.
FUNCTIONS: Brightens the Eyes
Clears the Nostrils
Eliminates Interior and Exterior Wind
Opens the Orifices and Calms Convulsions
loss of sense of smell
mouth awry
pain & heaviness at the vertex
NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3-0.5 cun.
OTHER: Known for its effect on the sinuses.
bloody nose
J.C. Darrus:
vertigo, syncope
chronic epistaxis, dyspnea, amygdalitis