Thursday, November 3, 2016


Leg Greater Yang Bladder Channel
Begins at the point UB 1 at the inner canthus of the eye and ascends the forehead, intersecting
the Du channel at point DU 24 and the GB channel at point GB 15. It then crosses to the vertex and
again intersects the Du channel at DU 20.
From here, a branch descends to the area above the ear, joining the GB channel at GB 7, GB 8,
and GB 12.
A vertical branch enters the brain at the vertex and intersects with the Du channel at DU 17
before emerging and descending along the nape of the neck and the muscles of the medial aspect of
the scapula. Here, the Bladder channel meets the Du channel at DU 14 and DU 13, after which it
continues downward, parallel to the spine, to the lumbar region. The channel then enters the internal
cavity via the paravertebral muscles, communicates with the Kidneys, and finally joins its associated
organ, the Bladder.
Another branch separates in the lumbar region, crosses the buttock, and descends to the
popliteal fossa of the knee.
Yet another branch separates from the main channel at the back of the neck and descends,
parallel to the spine, from the medial spine of the scapula to the gluteal region. Here it crosses the
buttock to cross at GB 30, and then descends across the lateral posterior aspect of the thigh to join
with the other branch of this channel in the popliteal fossa. Continuing downward through the
gastrocnemius muscle, the channel emerges behind the external malleolus, then follows the 5th
metatarsal bone, crossing its tuberosity to the lateral tip of the little toe at UB 67.
The Bladder channel connects behind the knee with its Lower He Sea point, UB 40.
This channel connects with the Kidneys and is joined directly with the Brain and Heart.
CROSSING POINTS: DU 24, DU 20, DU 17, DU 14, DU 13
GB 7, GB 8, GB 10, GB 11, GB 12, GB 15, GB 30
Alternating chills and fever, headache, stiff neck, pain in the lumbar region, nasal congestion,
diseases of the eye, pain along the back of the leg and foot.
Pain in the lower abdomen, enuresis, retention, of urine, painful urination, mental disorders
Diverges from the primary at the popliteal fossa, this channel then travels to a point 5 can below
the sacrum. It then detours to the anal region, connects with the Bladder and disperses in the
Kidneys. Frorn here it follows the spine and
disperses in the cardiac region before emerging at the neck where it rejoins the Bladder primary
Separates from the primary at UB 58, connecting with the Kidney at Kid 3.
Symptoms of Excess: nasal congestion, headache, back pain
Symptoms of Deficiency: flaccid or atrophied muscles in the legs or feet, pharyngitis, sudden
Originates at the little toe. Proceeds upwards to the external malleolus and then to the knee. A
lower branch extends below the external malleolus to the heel, then ascends to the lateral margin of
the popliteal fossa. Another branch separates at the convergence of the medial and lateral heads of
the gastrocnemius muscle and ascends to the medial margin of the popliteal fossa. These two
branches join in the gluteal region and continue upwards along the side of the spine to the
nape of the neck, where a branch reaches inward to the root of the tongue.
Above the neck, the channel joins with the occipital bone and proceeds over the head to the
bridge of the nose. A branch crosses the top of the eye and connects at the side of the nose below.
Another branch extends from the lateral margin of the posterior axillary crease to LI 15 on the
shoulder. Another branch crosses below the axilla and over the chest, emerging at the
supraclavicular fossa and ascending to GB 12 behind the ear. Still another branch, after emerging
from the supraclavicular fossa, traverses the face to a site beside the nose.
Pathological Symptoms: Strained muscles of the big toe, swelling and pain in the heel,
spasms in the joints, stiffness along the spine, spasms of the back, inability to raise the arm at the
shoulder, stiffness or pulled muscle in the axillary region, strained muscles at the clavicle.
Phone # (64-58-63) U.B. 67-66-65-60-40
Tonification point: U.B. 67
Sedation point: U.B. 65
Horary point: U.B. 66
U.B. 1 eyes
U.B. 2 eyes/ sinuses/ frontal headaches
U.B. 7 sinuses/ headaches/ dizziness
U.B. 10 neck problems/ energy problems/ sinuses/ HA's/mental & emotional. With U.B. 11
for depression
U.B. 11 Bones/ wind pt./ URI
U.B. 12 wind/ sinuses/ lung problems
U.B. 13 lung problems/ night sweats
U.B. 14 neurasthenia/ heart problems
U.B. 15 heart & spirit problems/ anxiety/ physical heart
U.B. 16 governor/ balding/ skin/ diaphragm
U.B. 17 diaphragm/ Blood pt/ blood stagnation, heat , or deficiency
U.B. 18 liver stuff/ eyes/ HA's/ stagnant blood menstrual problems
U.B. 19 GB/ stones/ nausea/ shingles
U.B. 20 tonifies Spleen/ damp/ any digestive/ builds Blood/ prolapses
U.B. 21 digestive/ stomach problems
U.B. 22 TB/ waterways/ fatigue/ LBP/ urinary/ edema
U.B. 23 kidney problems/ bone, arthritic/ fatigue, depressed vital Qi/ urogenital/ hearing/
dizziness/ coldness
U.B. 25 constipation/ diarrhea
U.B. 27 ileitis/ blood in urine/ enteritis
U.B. 28 urinary system/ cystitis/ prostatitis
U.B. 29 mid back
U.B. 30 vaginal discharges/ rectal diseases
U.B. 31-34 hormone regulation/ menopause
U.B. 43 chronic diseases/ strengthen lungs
U.B. 52 building kidney yang/ Qi/ Will
U.B. 39 waterways/ neurasthenia
U.B. 40 LBP/ heat stroke/ heat in intestines
U.B. 57 trauma/ muscle strains & sprains/ constipation/ hemorrhoids
U.B. 58 rheumatoid arthritis/ chronic LBP/ nose problems/ kidneys
U.B. 60 wind/ relaxes muscles/ LBP & sciatica/ headache/ stiff neck/ pain
U.B. 62 stiffness/ Yang Qiao/ headaches/ epilepsy/ insomnia
U.B. 64 stiff neck/ myocarditis/ headaches
U.B. 67 turning fetus/ headaches/ sinuses