S.I. 19 "Palace of Hearing" Tinggong
LOCATION: Anterior to the tragus and posterior to the condyloid process of the mandible, in the
depression formed when the mouth is open.
IMAGE: Refers to the point's proximity to, and effect upon, the ear.
FUNCTIONS: Benefits the hearing
Calms the Spirit
Clears Heat
Frees Channels & Connecting Channels
Improves Sight & Hearing
Opens Ear
Relieves Pain
inflammation of the external ear canal
otitis media
pain in the chest & abdomen
pus in the ear
seizures & insanity (nm)
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun with the mouth open
PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Allows one to "hear" what someone is really saying regardless of
the words they use. Also increases our ability to hear our own heart, regardless of the chaos in our
lives. Can be used when two people want to speak "heart to heart".
OTHER: Main point for hearing. RS has seen good results for tinnitus.
Good point for jaw problems-- TMJ pain