Tuesday, October 11, 2011

HT - 7 (HEART - 7)

Ht 7 "Spirit's Door" Shenmen

Shu Stream: Earth
Source Point
LOCATION: At the ulnar end of the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression on the radial
side of the tendon of m. flexor carpi ulnaris.
IMAGE: Ht 7 is the "door" through which the "spirit" or shen can be calmed & regulated.
FUNCTIONS: Calms the Spirit
Pacifies the Heart
Clears the Channels
Benefits Heart Qi, Opens the Orifices, benefits the brain, and sedates the mind, Benefits the Tongue,
Clears Damp Heat, Clears Heart Phlegm, Cools Heat, Deficiency Heat, & Fire, Cools Ying and
Blood Heat, Nourishes Heart Blood, Regulates Rebellious Qi, Tonifies Heart Yin & Yang
absent-mindedness (main)
angina pectoris
excessive dreaming
heart disease
idiocy and seizures (epilepsy)
insomnia (main)
irritability & insomnia
loss of voice
mental illness (any kind)
neurasthenia (main)
pain in the ribs
paralysis of the hypoglossal muscle
vomiting blood
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun
PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: The mind and the spirit live in the heart. Shenmen is the gate in
front of the heart which allows the mind and spirit to move in and out appropriately. For the gate to
freeze open or shut would mean disaster This point oils that gate.
Itching-- caused by agitated spirit
Main point for insomnia, nervousness, depression, anxiety: will clear the person's head.
Main for hysteria, people who are very worried or depressed about their health problems.
Mann: laughing and sobbing alternately, hallucinations, cannot stop talking
J.C. Darrus:
somatic reactions to emotions
POINT COMBINATIONS: With Ht 8 for actual heart problems and disease
OTHER: Sedation point
Main point on the Heart channel
Add for people who are trying to quit smoking
Used a lot for epilepsy
Essentials: red or yellow eyes
For cold hands
endometritis (nm)
J.C. Darrus:
lack of energy
cardiac erethrism, extra systoles, arterial hypertension or hypotension, precordialgia, heart
dyspnea, nasal congestion, laryngitis, scrofula
anorexia, desire for ice cold fluids
urinary incontinence, atonic ureter
uterine inflammation, syncope after parturition