Tuesday, October 11, 2011

HT - 5 (HEART - 5)

Ht 5 "Reaching the Measure" Tongli

Luo point
LOCATION: On the radial side of the tendon of m. flexor carpi ulnaris, 1 cun above the transverse
wrist crease
IMAGE: Also translated as "Internal Connection." and "Penetrating Inside". This is the Luo point
on the channel that "reaches" towards or connects with the Spleen channel. Tongli also refers to this
point's function of improving speech & spirit disorders.
FUNCTIONS: Calms the Spirit
Regulates the Heart Qi
Benefits the Bladder, Benefits the Brain, Boosts Heart Qi and Yang, Clears Heart Fire, Invigorates
Channels, Opens to the Tongue, Regulates Heart & Mind, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons
abnormal uterine bleeding (brings the blood
back to the heart)
bradycardia (also tachycardia)
chest pain
cough & asthma (nm)
headache & dizziness
hysterical aphasia
incontinence (nm)
palpitations (major pt.)
palpitations due to nervous fright
stiffness of the tongue
throat blockage
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun
PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Helps bring a person deep within their own heart.
Also for very timid or withdrawn people, or with agoraphobia, stage fright, fear of people.
For weak luo, with person unable to talk, palpitations, can't eat, and face pale, tonify this point.
Nervous anxiety, uptight nervousness - - people who talk and laugh a lot.
"For a hot head."
J.C. Darrus:
emotionally triggered need to urinate
OTHER: Main point for palpitations, heart arrhythmia's, bradycardia
Main point for speaking difficulties, from stuttering to muteness.
Good point to use after stroke to restore speech.
CAM lists for hoarseness; also for sore throat, pharyngitis.
"Brings fire down from head"-- headache or mental agitation.
Luo Vessel Symptoms: For excess luo, with symptoms of fullness and heaviness of chest and
body and red cheeks, sedate this point.
Good for general fatigue, exhaustion
J.C. Darrus:
lack of energy, fainting
emotionally triggered need to urinate
cardiac erethrism