Tuesday, October 11, 2011

HT - 3 (HEART - 3)

Ht 3 "Lesser Sea" Shaohai

He Sea: Water
LOCATION: When the elbow is flexed into a right angle, the point is in the depression between
the medial end of the transverse cubital crease and the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
IMAGE: This is the sea (Hai) point on the Heart lesser (Shao) yin channel.
FUNCTIONS: Calms the Spirit
Clears the Vessels
Clears Heat, Clears the Channel, Clears the Pericardium, Regulates Heart Qi, Regulates Qi &
Blood, Sedates Mind, Strengthens Blood, Transforms Sputum (drooling)
MYSTERY FUNCTIONS: Do any students know where these functions may have come from? I
have them noted but their source is unclear: Clears Phlegm & Cold , Clears Heart, Yin or Blood
absent mindedness
chest pain
debility of the limbs
diseases of the elbow
headache & dizziness
intercostal neuralgia
nodular growths in the neck
numbness of the forearm
pain in the axilla
stiff neck (nm)
toothache (nm)
ulnar nerve neuralgia
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun
Brings water to the heart meridian, calms it down.
Main point for depression, agitation, nervousness
Used a lot for memory problems and unclear thinking
Mann: for people who bleat like a sheep; adds stability to nervous exhaustion
OTHER: Especially good for numbness: affecting the forearm and hand. Used a lot for
neurological disorders with trembling and shaking like Parkinson's.
CAM: cardiac pain, angina
Water point: cools heart fire
ringing in the ears
J.C. Darras: Hiccough, nausea with heart pain