Sunday, October 9, 2011

LU - 7 ( LUNG-7)

Lung 7 "Broken Sequence" Lieque

Luo point
Confluent point of Conception Vessel
Exit point
LOCATION: Proximal to the styloid process of the radius, 1.5 cun proximal to the transverse
crease of the wrist.
IMAGE: "Broken Sequence" refers to a disturbance in the flow of Qi, which is broken because the
luo channel begins here. "Lieque" is also an ancient name for lightning, a reference to the strong
sensation of Qi at this point when needled correctly.
FUNCTIONS: Opens up the Lungs, regulates Lung qi
Clears and regulates the Ren channel
Disperses Wind
Relieves exterior and causes sweating
Stimulates the Wei Qi
Transforms phlegm
Opens the Bladder
Opens the water channels, invigorates collaterals, frees the connecting vessels
Descends and disperses lung qi
Benefits the nose
blood in the urine
diseases of the wrist joint
edema of the limbs
facial paralysis
stiff neck
swollen pharynx/ sore throat
wind rash
NEEDLING: 0.3 - 0.5 cun obliquely upward
OTHER: Paired confluent point: K 6 of Yin Qiao
Main point for external Wind: strengthens the dispersing function of the Lung; sends Qi and
fluids down, as in upper body edema
Maciocia: Calms the Shen and settles the Po
Main point for common cold, rhinitis, sinusitis headaches caused by external Wind; hives
Used a lot for chronic sore throat with its paired confluent point, Kid 6
fatigue-- used to build energy of the body
pruritis, dry skin, wind heat skin problems