Sunday, November 6, 2016

P 1 "Heaven's Pool" Tianchi Window of Sky

LOCATION: 1 cun lateral to the nipple, in the 4th intercostal space
IMAGE: The Shen is associated with Heaven in Chinese cosmology ("Tianchi" is the name of a
star), and the "pool" of the shen is in the chest. Heaven's Pool may also be a reference to breast
milk. The water related names of the first three points on the Pericardium channel may be because
of armpit moisture.
FUNCTIONS: Clears Heat, Regulates Liver Qi, Relaxes Qi in the Chest, Sedates Cough, Spreads
Lung Qi, Stops Wheezing
angina pectoris
intercostal neuralgia
pain & swelling below the axilla
NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.2 - 0.4 cun. Avoid deep insertion.

OTHER: Important angina point: angina patient will often be tender right at this point
Excellent breast point: also good for insufficient lactation. Have woman hold breast out of the
way to needle
Also for head indications
suffocating feeling in the chest