Sunday, November 6, 2016

P 2 "Heaven's Spring" Tianquan

LOCATION: 2 cun below the level of the axillary fold, between the two heads of m. biceps brachii
IMAGE: P 2 is the "spring" which has the P 1 "pool" as its source. The logic of this point name is
similar to P1, and "Tianquan" is also has the name of a star.
FUNCTIONS: Benefits Lung, Calms Spirit, Invigorates Blood, Nourishes & Regulates the Heart,
Opens the Chest, Regulates Liver Qi, Stops Pain, Tonifies Heart Qi & Yang, Transforms Stagnation
angina pectoris
pain along the medial aspect of the upper arm
pain in the chest & flank
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun.
OTHER: Also good for mastitis
sometimes for eyes-- muddled or unclear vision