Thursday, November 10, 2016

GB 33 "Knee's Yang Hinge" Xiyangguan

LOCATION: 3 cun above GB 34, lateral to the knee joint, between the tendon of m. biceps femoris
and the femur.
IMAGE: An anatomical description-- this point is on the "yang" side of the knee "hinge." The
word "knee" distinguishes it from Du 3, "Yang Guang"
FUNCTIONS: Benefits Knee, Clears Heat, Dispels Wind & Cold, Invigorates Collaterals,
Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Sedates Pain, Transforms Damp,
diseases of the knee and surrounding soft tissues
inability to flex or extend the knee
leg Qi
paralysis of lower limb
progressive swelling and pain of the knee
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun
OTHER: mostly a local leg point
good for sciatica or problems of low extremities
classically not recommended to moxa