Wednesday, November 16, 2016


1. Sp 1 A. abdominal distention, diarrhea, parasitic worms
2. Sp 2 B. harmonizes nourishing Qi & Blood, irregular menses, urticaria
3. Sp 3 C. general body soreness
4. Sp 4 D. tonification point of the Spleen
5. Sp 6 E. bleeding hemorrhoids (best point)
6. Sp 7 F. Strengthens Spleen, Moves Liver Qi, difficult labor, sterility, fetal death
7. Sp 8 G. best point for stomach-ache, epigastric pain
8. Sp 9 H. good for painful menses (excessive) and fibroids
9. Sp 10 I. main point for water imbalances
10. Sp 15 J. UTI's, wet dreams, any kind of "seeping"
11. Sp 20 K. intercostal neuralgia, pleurisy
12. Sp 21 L. headache from damp, edema, abdomen distention, people who are very pale
13. Which point would be best for deficient or late (irregular) menses?
A. Sp 4 C. Sp 9
B. Sp 8 D. Sp 10
14. Which point would not be as helpful for heat?
A. Sp 9 C. Sp 8
B. Sp 10 D. Sp 1
15. Which point would be best for damp & stagnation?
A. Sp 15 C. Sp 2
B. Sp 10 D. Sp 9
16. Which Spleen point connects with the Penetrating channel?
17. Which point strengthens the Spleen & Stomach, transforms Damp Stagnation, and is good for
people who sprain or dislocate easily?
18. Which Spleen point is similar to Stomach 25, except that it doesn't include reproductive
19. Name 2 Spleen points that are especially good for skin problems.
20. Which Spleen point harmonizes the blood & regulates the uterus?
21. Which point (2 possibilities) would you use for leukorrhea or vaginal discharges?
22. Which point would you use for gynecological problems caused by deficiencies?
23. Which local point would treat PID, pain of hernia, and appendicitis?
24. Name the sedation point of the Spleen.
25. What is the main point for any bleeding problem?
Spleen Quiz
1. E
2. D
3. L
4. G
5. F
6. J
7. H
8. I
9. B
10. A
11. K
12. C
13. A
14. C
15. D
16. Sp 4
17. Sp 5
18. Sp 15
19. Sp 6, 10
20. Sp 8
21. Sp 6 or 9
22. Sp 6 or 4
23. Sp 13
24. Sp 5
25 Sp 1