Monday, November 14, 2016

Sp 1 "Hidden White" Yinbai

Jing Well: Wood
Ghost point
LOCATION: At the medial corner of the great toe, 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail.
IMAGE: A reference to the white skin on the big toe where Sp 1 is located. "Yinbai" can also imply
a clarity of mind which this point is said to instill. Some sources indicate that Hidden White refers
to metal (white is the color of metal) which is hidden within the earth. In 5 element theory, earth
gives way to metal.
FUNCTIONS: Benefits the Spleen
Regulates the Blood
Boosts Spleen Yang
Clears and Calms the Mind
Clears Heart & Stabilizes Spirit
Increases Qi & Improves Blood Flow
Warms the Spleen
Wraps the Blood
abdominal pain or distension
abnormal uterine bleeding
bleeding of the digestive tract
blood in urine or stool
chronic infantile convulsions
continuous nosebleed
mental diseases (jing well)
spitting blood
NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.1 cun
PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: dream-disturbed sleep
J.C. Darrus: Terror stricken, too restless to stay in bed or sleep
Main point for any kind of bleeding-- especially uterine (deficient or excess
bleeding hemorrhoids
allergies-- esp. to insecticides
lack of energy
classically not recommended to moxa (?!)
Dr. Voll: Rt. side: for protein metabolism
Lt. side: lymph glands or neck & thorax. Esp useful for environmental allergies such as insecticides