Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sp 4 "Grandfather's Grandson" Gongsun

Luo Point
Confluent point of the Chong Meridian
LOCATION: In the depression distal and inferior to the base of the 1st metatarsal bone, at the
junction of the red and white skin.
IMAGE: This is the Luo point of the Spleen, in this case the "grandfather," which sends energy to
the Stomach Channel, in this case the "Grandson." ( In paired channels, the Yin channel comes
first.) "Gongsun" is also the name of the Yellow Emperor, who is said to have discovered this point.
FUNCTIONS: Regulates the Spleen & Stomach
Regulates the Penetrating Channel (Sea of Blood)
Calms the Stomach, Dispels Damp & Heat, Harmonizes Middle & Lower Burner, Invigorates
Blood (stomach pain), Reduces Qi Stagnation and Clears Obstructions, Regulates the Menses,
Sedates Mind, Stops Bleeding, Tonifies Spleen and Stomach, Tonifies Yuan Qi
abdominal pain
acute & chronic enteritis
foot & ankle pain
intestines "like a drum"
irregular menstruation
stomach ache (one of best points)
tidal fevers
NEEDLING: Perpendicular 0.5 - 0.8 cun
OTHER: Confluent point of the Chong channel
Paired confluent point: P 6 of Yin Wei extra channel
Especially good for severe epigastric pain. Used a lot for ulcers, pain, vomiting
Good for menstrual problems from blood stagnation-- deficient or late menses
Good for dysentery, diarrhea, & gas
For genital injuries
Classics: "The patient is sad, he sighs, he has no appetite. He has fever with shivering; when he's
about to sweat he vomits. Must needle Sp 4 right away!"
Dr. Voll: Rt. side: lipid metabolism (to decrease cholesterol)
Lt. side: general immune booster
J.C. Darrus:
All types of energy disorders
Nervous breakdown
Biliary insufficiency, diarrhea from inflammation
Heart pain with swollen face
Abundant mucous secretions