Monday, November 14, 2016

St 36 "Leg Three Measures" Zusanli

He Sea Earth
Lower He Sea of the Stomach
Sea of Nourishment point
Horary point
LOCATION: 3 cun below St 35, one finger-breadth from the anterior crest of the tibia, in m.
tibialis anterior
IMAGE: Needling or moxa'ing this point is supposed to add such strength & endurance to the legs
that one is said to be able to walk "three miles" more. Three "li" is also a reference to St 36 being 3
cun below St 35.
FUNCTIONS: Orders the Spleen & Stomach
Regulates the Qi & Blood
Strengthens weak & Deficient conditions
Balances Stomach Yin, Benefits the Knees, Boosts Spleen Yang, Brightens the Eyes, Calms Fetus,
Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Clears Damp Heat, Clears Edema, Clears the Lungs,
Clears Thoracic Blood Stagnation, Dispels Evil Qi,, Dispels Stagnation, Dispels Wind and Damp,
Expedites Lactation, Expels GB & Urinary Tract Stones, Expels Parasites, Generates Fluids,
Improves General Health, Prevents Disease, Raises Middle Qi, Raises the Yang, Regulates &
Moistens Intestines,, Regulates the Ying and the Wei, Releases the Exterior, Replenishes Middle
Jiao, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Softens Hard Masses, Strengthens Spleen & Stomach Qi, Strengthens
the Body, Supports the Normal Qi, Tonifies Kidney Qi and Yang, Tonifies Lung Qi, Tonifies Qi
and Blood, Tonifies Wei Qi, Tonifies Ying Qi, Transforms Damp
abcessed breast
abdominal pain & distension
acute & chronic enteritis
acute & chronic gastritis
acute pancreatitis
allergies (skin type, food allergies, & hayfever)
constipation or diarrhea
difficult urination
diseases of the reproductive system
edema of the limbs
general weakness
hypertension (w/LI 11 for excess yang)
indigestion and other disorders of the digestive system (gas, belching, vomiting, bloating)
loss of urine
vomiting (major)
NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.2 cun
POINT COMBINATIONS: With Lu 7 & LI 4 to build the basic energy of the body
OTHER: One of few points that builds Qi and Blood: dizziness, fatigue
Major point for building Wei Qi: Qi xu symptoms-- weakness, fatigue, depressed immune
Major point for digestive problems: regulates secretion of HCL; increases production of pepsin
Main point for hemiplegia/leg problems
Also gets rid of wind & damp
Nei Jing: "For excess or deficiency of yin or yang...for all troubles of the Wei Qi."
Deficiency constipation
Important for breast problems
CAM: mental disorders, depression, withdrawn, nervousness
Menstrual depression/ PMS
eye problems decreasing vision
deficiency headache