Monday, November 14, 2016

Leg Greater Yin Spleen Channel

Begins on the medial tip of the big toe, follows the border of the red & white skin along the
medial aspect of the foot.
Passes in front of the medial malleolus and up the leg, along the posterior side of the tibia,
crossing at Sp 6 and then travelling anterior to the Liver channel. Crosses over the medial aspect of
the knee and continues up along the anterior medial aspect of the thigh and into the abdomen.
After crossing the Ren channel at Ren 3 and Ren 4 the channel enters the Spleen and Stomach
at Ren 10.
Ascends across the diaphragm and intersects the Gallbladder channel at
GB 24, the Liver at Liv 14, and the Lung at Lu 1 and finally reaches the root of the tongue,
dispersing over its lower surface.
A branch separates in the stomach region and advances upward across the diaphragm,
transporting qi into the Heart.
Also directly joins with the Heart, Lungs, and Intestines.
CROSSING POINTS: Ren 3, Ren 4, Ren 10, Liv 14, GB 24, Lu 1
Heaviness in the body or head, general feverishness, fatigued limbs and emaciated muscles,
stiffness of the tongue, coldness along the medial side of the leg and knee, edema in the foot or leg.
Abdominal pain, fullness, or distension, diarrhea, incomplete digestion of food, intestinal noises,
vomiting, hard lumps in the abdomen, reduced appetite, jaundice, constipation.
Separates from primary channel on the thigh, converges with the divergent channel of the
Stomach and proceeds upwards to the throat, after which it enters the tongue.
Separates from the primary channel at Sp 4, connects with the Stomach channel at St 42,
ascends to the abdomen and connects with the Stomach and Intestines.
Symptoms of Excess: Vomiting, diarrhea, sharp intestinal pain.
Symptoms of Deficiency: Abdominal swelling.
GREAT LUO OF THE SPLEEN (Luo of all Luo channels)
From Sp 21, spreads through the hypochondria
Symptoms of Excess: general aches & pains throughout the body
Symptoms of Deficiency: Weakness in the muscles of the limbs and joints
Starts at the medial side of the big toe and ascends across the foot, connecting with the
medial malleolus. Connects with the medial side of the knee, then traverses the medial aspect of
the thigh and connects with the hip before joining with the reproductive organs.
After crossing the abdomen and connecting with the umbilicus, the channel enters the
abdominal cavity, connects with the ribs, and disperses through the chest. An internal branch
adheres to the spine.
Pathological Symptoms: Strained muscles of the big toe, pain in the internal malleolus pain in
the muscles of rotation in the ankle, pain in the medial aspect of the knee, pain in the adductor
muscles of the thigh, pain due to muscle strain of the groin, pain from strained upper abdominal
muscles, pain due to pulled muscles of the mid-thoracic vertebrae.
Phone # (348) SP-1-2-3-5-9
Tonification point: Sp 2
Sedation point: Sp 5
Horary point: Sp 3
Sp 1 Bleeding problems-- uterine, etc, excess or deficient
Sp 2 5 elements-- tonifies spleen deficiencies
Sp 3 Source pt-- builds & tonifies spleen. Blood sugar problems, dampness and heaviness in
the body, bloating/gas/food stagnation hemorrhoids/prolapses
Sp 4 More for pain stagnation-- epigastric pain, menstrual problems (regulates), genital injuries
Sp 5 dampness-- edema/swelling/connective tissue. Bloating/indigestion
Sp 6 Builds yin and blood. Any lower burner problems-- kidneys/urinary/gynecological.
Main point for gynecological / deficiencies
Sp 8 Menstrual/stagnation-- dysmenorrhea, Edema/urinary/digestive
Sp 9 damp heat/stagnation: urinary, water transformation, lower burner/discharges
Sp 10 skin problems, Excessive menses-- irregular. More for heat & bleeding problems